Happy Holidays from MUSIK !D TV

We know as musicians and creatives the holidays can be a time for explanation. Explaining what it is we actually all do as artists. Families and loved ones are the reasons why we do what we love, with the goals of connecting with them or maybe even just simply communicating. It's not a guarantee that they are going to always understand why we create and pursue what we love. We are artists, and everything is up for an interpretation.
This time of year can be especially hard on creatives out there that are looking back and feeling like they haven't accomplished what they set out to achieve in this last year, or that they aren't "good enough" in someone's eyes.
At MIDTV we believe that everyone out there has the honest potential to be the absolute most kick-ass artist they can be, and we love helping and giving you the information you need to do that.
But, we just want to pass along this little message, holiday or otherwise: Put time into you. Love yourself. And most importantly, never stop being what makes you special.
Happy Holidays!!